Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dad Writes the Book on Adoption

Local Family Celebrates National Adoption Month
"Imagine you have a puzzle that's called My Life and it's nearly complete, but there is one piece missing, a child. And without that piece you can never complete the puzzle."

For Rocky DeLorenzo, that missing piece was his 4-year old daughter Shelby.

Shelby was adopted from China by Rocky and Susan three years ago, who had tried unsuccessfully for 15 years to have a child of their own. They say now they couldn't imagine their lives any other way.

"I'm glad now that I couldn't have a child, because now we have Shelby," Susan said.

"It's joy. When she calls me Daddy, it's just unconditional love," Rocky said.

Rocky has written a book about his family's experience, offering a unique male perspective. He says he hopes to share with others the lessons his family and learned and give others hope."

A baby awaits those who persevere, as long as you don't give up the journey to be a mother and father."

A journey which Rocky, Susan and Shelby are grateful to be taking together.

For more about Rocky's book:


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