Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Guatemala Ratifies Hague Treaty

Big news:

Guatemala ratifies adoption treaty to reform corruption-prone system
Guatemala has ratified an international adoption treaty, committing to bring adoptions under government regulation and make sure babies are not bought or stolen.

Guatemalan law currently allows notaries to act as baby brokers who recruit birth mothers, handle paperwork and complete adoptions in less than half the time it takes in other countries.

But U.S. officials have urged Guatemala to tighten up the procedure amid concern brokers were paying or threatening mothers to give up their babies. More than 4,000 babies from Guatemala were adopted by U.S. parents last year, making it the second highest source of U.S. adoptions after China.

On Tuesday, Guatemala lawmakers ratified the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions, which requires that government agencies regulate adoptions to ensure babies have not been bought or stolen.


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