Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Adoption Story

Normally, I identify adoption stories by state or country, but this one is a little different. Lieutenant Colonel Schmid, originally from Missouri, is currently stationed in Okinawa. The story is from a New Zealand newspaper, where Tessla was baptized and Loise Schmid is from Western Samoa and is half Chinese. Let's just call it a world adoption story.
Abandoned newborn Tessla Schmid was just a few hours old when a stranger found her on a convent doorstep in China.
Her mother left no clues and the tiny waif was sent off to an orphanage - identity unknown.
Today, Tessla is the much-loved adopted daughter of United States marine Lieutenant Colonel Steve Schmid and his wife Loise.
She has a sister - also adopted - and a huge extended family spread all over the world.


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