Friday, November 17, 2006

Joshua Zhong and Lily Nie

A article in today's Rocky Mountain News about Joshua Zhong and Lily Nie, whom I've profiled before:

Couple provide help to thousands of Chinese orphans
The Chinese script hanging on the wall of the home of Joshua Zhong and Lily Nie speaks of integrity and generosity, something the couple knows plenty about.

Zhong and Nie talk about their 11-year-old daughter, Anna Zhong, whom they adopted from China two years ago.

"We were looking through the packet information of children. Her information had not been current for two years, so we knew she had been passed by several times."

Anna was 9 years old and has a severe heart condition.

"We saw Anna's picture and said, she's sooo beautiful," Zhong said. "Several months later we brought her home. We love her."


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